Friday 4 May 2012

Session 16 - Ask Keely Mobile App Launch - 21/4/12

So this was it. Launch day. We were to launch our app at the ‘We are the future’ symposium at the Imperial War Museum, an event organized by Emergency Exit Arts for young people to present their examples of youth activism.

About 100 young people attended the day, which looked at other youth campaigns and discussed how young people are portrayed in the media.

After telling everyone about the great features the app includes we handed out our Ask Keely Oyster card holders.

Overall we think that our app was really well received and the Oyster card holders were a hit. Check out the app for yourself at

As well as our presentation there was a workshop with the Youth Media Agency, a film screening and discussion on Stop and Search by The Challenge, as well as great individual performances by Camilla de Oliveira and Benjamin Cawley from PENt UP.

Follow the day's activities on Storify.

Friday 20 April 2012

Session 15 - Preparing For our Launch - 17/4/12

In today's session we were all really excited as it is just under a week until our mobile app launches!

The launch is on Saturday 21 April at The Imperial War Muesum at the 'We are the future' event. We all have to meet Lucy outside the museum for 11am.

We all looked at the final proofs for our business card and our oyster card holders and agreed that we are really happy with them, they look brilliant!

On our launch day we will have a ten minute slot to do a presentation about our mobile app. We prepared our PowerPoint presentation plans and speeches for the rest of the session.

We had a run through of our speeches and are all very nervous about Saturday but really looking forward to it.

There are a few changes that we agree need changing before we launch which are:
- Change 0800 mumdad to 08000 mumdad
- Change Extra Smart to Be Aware
- Get rid of Measy

We filmed our answers to:
- How do you feel about your mobile app being launched this weekend?
- What have you learnt from creating a campaign?

Thursday 19 April 2012

Session 14 - Feedback On Our Promotional Products - 3/4/12

We had a really brief session this time around to get everyone in the group's feedback on the design for our oyster card holder and business card.

Business card:
- Kind of explains it.
- I understand what it is.
- I would check it out if I saw the card.
- We were cycling today, so something like this would be really useful for directions, etc.
- Extra Smart - what is it? we should change it to 'Be Aware'
- It's good.
- I like the grey background much better.

Oyster card holder:
- The black one looks much better.
- Can we add the icons on the back of the oyster card.

We updated our action plan and agreed on our launch event:

Launch event - Creative Symposium - Saturday 21 April - we will have a ten minute presentation and launch our app.

We are all really excited that we now have our launch date in sight and our app nearing completion.

Jobs that everybody needs to do in the next week:
- Steph to send the web address and information about Ask Keely to the head teacher of Greycoat Hospital School.
- Finish health section - Michelle to get recovery position images sorted from Red Cross.
- Keely/Amy to speak to the St Andrew's t-shirt lady to get our t-shirts designed for our launch event.

We finished up the session by filling in our feedback forms.

Monday 26 March 2012

Session 13 - Action Planning and Planning Our Launch - 20/3/12

We started off the session with an update of how our website is getting on and what else has been going on:

- We suggested that we should take our own photographs for the recovery position steps. Amy will be the model and Keely and Steph will check that the steps are correct. A photographer will come in next week and teach photography to the rest of the group as well as shooting our photographs.

- Our health copy has been checked by a health professional. We want to get an endorsement that will mean that our health information will be certified and professional.

- We will all attend a meeting with St John's Ambulance about our app to promote it and tell them what it is all about. Amy has volunteered to go along - Date TBC.

- Thinking about the launch - we hope to launch our website during half term. We want to take our app to festivals like Wireless in the summer (6-8 July in Hyde Park). This is too far away for the launch but will be a great opportunity to promote our app.

Other places that we discussed to promote our app is:
- Trafalgar Square
- St Andrew's stall at South West Fest
- Lovebox
- Underage Festival

Everyone has homework to find an event or festival that is on during the next month or so that we can launch our app at.

We discussed our action plan for our app and campaign:
- We have agreed to meet up less frequently - possibly fortnightly from now on.
- Steph, Amy and Keely to approach schools in the local area to run a workshop/assembly to show them our app. (Including Greycoat hospital school).

We went through our smart objectives for our campaign:
- 150 people at Greycoat school (year 10 and 11). Steph to contact her school head to set up a meeting for us all. She will let Keely know how she gets on tomorrow (21/3/12).
- Finish app completely - Everywhere and Jess. We need to finish the health section and sort photographs within 10 days.
- Finish promotional materials - t-shirts - Jess to send the logo and Steph, Keely and Gina to buy and print t-shirts. Keely or Steph to contact graffiti lady to see if they can set up with her to print the t-shirts for our app.
- Find somewhere to launch our app - launch event - everyone will look for an event to launch at by next week.
- Contact Kellogs, Boris, Wireless Festival. We will also contact the lady from Pay Plan to help us to promote our campaign - Keely to follow up and see if we can have a space in their weekly newsletter.
- Meet up again to catch up on progress in two weeks time.

We discussed our evaluation plan:
- Feedback on our app
- Take our app to schools and youth clubs and get them to fill in the app feedback form - if they are just a small group get them to fill in paper feedback/questionnaire.
- We will use Turning Point Tool for bigger groups

We finished up the session all excited about finishing our app and positive about launching it.

Monday 19 March 2012

Session 12 - Finalising Our Mobile Website - 13/3/12

We started off today's session by filling in Steve from Peabody in on what our campaign is all about.

We looked at our app on our phones to give feedback and then went around our youth club to find out what other people thought of our app:

"It's brilliant! it will get young people off of the streets and around where they need to go. It could potentially eventually offer young people jobs to." - Youth worker

"It's really good!"

- Kofi Frimpong and Joeo Mensah

"It was quite well planned out. We couldn't really see where it was going but this is amazing!" - Gina

We looked at each section and gave our feedback to Everywhere using a work sheet.

Ask Keely testing worksheet:

What do you think of the overall look and feel of the site?

- I am very impressed and satisfied. It is even better than I would have expected it to be. Everything
comes together really well.
- It looks very interesting and helpful.
- I think that the website is really good. The colours go really well together. The different sections are
really good and the information is good on the site.
- I think that the site looks great and it responds really well.
- I like it. The site is amazing! Love it!

Please comment on the navigation – how easy/difficult is it to get around? Do you know where
you are on the site? Are the section headings right – do you have any alternative suggestions?

- I think that the health section is easy to use than other websites. It is easy to get to as well. The
information is good and finding your local hospital is really easy and really good.
- Plus and extra has a typo in and. It should mention whether it is for Blackberry or Iphone.

Please comment on the content – is it what you expected? Is there anything unnecessary or
anything missing?

- The how to do first aid bit is missing but apart from that it is good.
- There is little info under the headings in travel, it’s mainly just links.

Mobile challenge:

How long did it take you to find out information on Ask Keely?

- Basic first aid – needs to tell you when to do CPR as well as how to do it.

Some feedback that came out of discussing what was missing is:
- We need information on what to do if someone has drunk too much
- When do I do CPR? as well as how do I do CPR?

We discussed what we wanted the website to be for our app and the overall agreed decision was:

Then we discussed any other feedback:
- Change 'Measy' as a header as it is an 'in' thing
- Reduce questions
- We all like the tone of voice of the app

We discussed that a great opportunity for our launch would be at Rizzle Kicks gig that is being run by TFL.

We agreed that we would need:
- Printed t-shirts
- Business cards to hand out with info about our app

Unfortunately the Rizzle Kicks plan fell through but we are hoping to possibly hold a stall at the Underage Festival, later this summer.

Friday 24 February 2012

Session 11 - Website/Logo Design Feedback And Looking At Promoting Our Campaign - 21/02/12

We started today's session off by giving our feedback on the logo and colour scheme:
- Looks cool, I like it
- Useful apps should be called 'mini cabs and taxis' instead
- It's too green
- Maybe we could use purple when you hover over the words or click on them
- The font looks great
- We should use contrasting colours more than the green as the icons will stand out much better
- W'happen - it's good and makes sense
- It's great that people can put their own information in - good idea and we would also add to it

How will we capture feedback/ measure success?
- We will have a feedback section or page built into the app

Feedback questions:
- Did you find what you were looking for?
- How helpful was the info? (on a scale of 1-5)
- How useful do you think this app will be in helping young people to stay safe? (on a scale of 1-5)

Other things that we may want/need for our campaign:
- A banner for the app
- Turning Point tool to take into schools for feedback - it's easier and fun
- Website counter
- Flyers - to hand out to parents of young people in shops?
- Stickers
- Oyster card holders - for festivals and to hand out at schools
- Google Analytics reports - Everywhere will do for us and show us how
- Header/footer - logos, blurb on the project and contact email

Promoting and advertising our campaign:
- Schools
- Festivals (Underage Festival)
- Banner on other websites
- Cereal boxes - Kellogs?
- Shops/shopping centres - to hand out flyers to parents of young people about our campaign
- BBM broadcast
- Short and fun promo film for our YouTube channel
- Billboards at bus stops?
- Local papers
- Metro, Daily Mail (app of the week), Evening Standard, Live magazine
- Cans of drink

We looked at our working progress app and discussed our feedback:
- Can we seperate Tube Buddy out
- Kabbee and Halo to be included
- It looks amazing
- Trains and underground together
- Cabs and taxis together
- The Blackberry version needs some work
- We want to use the darker (black) colour scheme

We discussed what appeals to our target audience and what websites that we look at:
- Amazon
- Facebook
- Twitter
- YouTube
- Ebay

Thursday 16 February 2012

Session 10 - PR Plan - 14/2/2012

We all gathered on Valentines day for a romantic talk on different ideas to get out message out there. We looked at a few larger campaigns that worked with the market we're aiming for. How can we get our message out that successfully with less money?

We set up our Facebook, Twitter and Youtube accounts.

What schools do you want to to?
What contacts should you make use of?
Why would somebody use your Facebook?
Who do you want to follow you on Facebook?
What celebrities can help you on Twitter?
Where should you put up posters and how many?

Putting up content on Facebook after 8 30pm attracts a wider audience.
Tweet to famous people and they might just RT!
Piggy back on someone else's PR, Offer free tickets from institutions and concerts in return fro promoting their event to your young people.

How do we like the final design?

The final design is quirky and direct enough. We love the green!

The architecture is just what we asked for: enough text and enough pictures and still simple.

Friday 10 February 2012

Session 9 - Writing The Copy And Thinking About How We Want To Promote Our Mobile Website Campaign - 7/2/12

In today's session we discussed the copy that we wanted to go in each section in more depth and where we want to promote our campaign.

The Health Section
We discussed the questions that we wanted to answer on our website. We need to plan these so that we can research the answers from St John's Ambulance.

These are the questions that we came up with:
- What is the recovery position? When should we use it? (we need the steps)
- How do we do CPR?
- What should you do if you/your friend's drink has been spiked?
- What should you do if you/ your friend's having a bad trip? (drug trip)
- What should you do if you/your friend has a deep cut or is bleeding a lot?
- What should you do if you are at the scene of an accident?
- What should you do if you think somebody has a spinal injury?
- What should you do if you/your friend has a stab wound?
- What should you do if you/your friend is raped?
- How do you stop a nose bleed?
- What should you do if you think that you have concussion?
- What should you do if you think that you have a broken bone?

We suggested that it may be an idea if we make some useful and short videos.

Extra's - Tips
We discussed the tips that we want to have on our mobile website that young people may want/need to know.

- Be alert
- Keep focused
- Keep one headphone out or music at a reasonable level when walking around
- Have a half way point
- Always know your landmarks
- Stay in busy  and well lit places
- Walk with purpose
- Always be on your guard
- Have a safe place to put your valuables
- Always carry some spare change just in case you lose your Oyster card, etc
- Make sure that your phone is well charged
- Bring spare batteries
- Don't follow your friends
- Keep your eyes on your drink or ask someone you trust to mind it
- Don't take unknown drugs
- Always carry condoms with you
- Always tell at least one of your friends where you are
- Tell somewhere that is not going out, where you will be and what time you will be back
- Try to avoid mixing drugs or drinks

Promoting Our Campaign
We discussed where we wanted to take our campaign and what we may want as a promotional tool.
- Schools
- Colleges
- Sixth forms
- Festivals - for more of a mixed audience

We decided that we wanted to create Oyster card holders with business cards inside with information on. This is so that we can promote our campaign and give our target audience something they will use and remember us by when they are on the go.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Session 8 - Looking At Some Mock Up Logos, Creating some Icons and Finalising The Copy For Our Mobile Website - 31/01/12

We started off the session with Everywhere, showing us some logo concepts that they had come up with based on our ideas from the last session.

Looking At Logo Concepts

Looking At Ideas For Icons
We discussed having icons to represent each section of the website. We split up into groups to cover each section of the website: homepage, health advice, travel and extras.
(video up shortly...)

Finalising The Copy
We discussed what copy we will use for each of the sections of our website. It was a really difficult decision to make as most of the ideas that we came up with weren't specific enough. Jess compiled a option sheet to give us some ideas on what we could write and give us somewhere to begin. After making a few adjustments we were all happy with what we decided on.

- Advice from young Londoner's to help you to stay safe and get there. Ask Keely. (This was the more popular choice)
- Help getting home and first aid, plus smart tips and advice to save money.

- Need to get around London safely? Check out TFL info, safe minicab options and travel updates.

Health Advice
- What's the recovery position? Should I ring an ambulance? What to do, where to go, who to ask.

- Useful info and tips for survival in the city.

Overall we had a very productive session and we are all looking forward to when the guys from Everywhere show us our built website in two weeks time.

Monday 30 January 2012

Session 7 - Planning A Logo And The Copy For Our Website - 24/01/12

We looked at ideas for our logo that the guys from 'Everywhere' had put together. This is some of the feedback on some of the ideas:
- The colours that we like the most are the yellow, purple and blue palette
- Direction text - arrows/directions
- Stencil text is used far to much
- Like the city scape style text
- Don't like chunky fonts

We discussed the two names for the website as 'Smartz' and 'Ask keely'. We decided that we wanted to stick with the name 'Ask keely as it will add a personality to the website.

We talked about the copy for the website:
- Needs to have a face and name
- Encouraging
- Friendly
- Perhaps have a Keely says area
- Use the word 'Measy' (uneasy)

We all sketched out our ideas for logos and they looked really great.

We discussed the different areas of the website and compiled a more comprehensive list of what it would feature under each heading.

First Aid
- Frank
- A postcode or area hospital finder
- The recovery position steps, CPR and stopping bleeding

These will act as the first steps if somebody is injured on a night out and waiting for an ambulance. We will contact St John's Ambulance to find out if we can use any of these first aid tips/help.

Copy ideas for this section:
- What do do, Where to go and Who to ask.

Travel/Getting Home
- LBC radio travel updates
- Tube Buddy app
- Halo/Cab app

Extra Smart
We have decided to merge both the Smartz sections and the Extra sections together to make 'Extra Smart'. This will include:
- Free 02 texts
- 08000mumdad
- Google maps
- And anything else that we want to add as an extra

We filled in feedback forms and will look forward to the next session, which will be working on the next stages of the website.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Session 6 - Looking At Designs and Layout Ideas For The Mobile Website - 17/01/12

We started off the session discussing how we will bring our website to life.
- Type
- Colours
- Surfaces, etc

We looked through some styles with Everywhere to see what we may want our website to look like or to feature.

- Like the tattoo style images
- Like pink and blue colours
- Drawn elements instead of photographs?
- Don't want it to be too in your face/bright
- Like neon style lettering
- Like purple Nike illustration styles
- Like 3d shapes - bright colours - grey as a background emphasises the bright colours - blue and pink
- Bit simpler
- Purple and blue (cyan)
- Want a character to make it consistent
- Graffiti is a good direction - can work for headers, can draw you in, but not in the main body text
- Can't be to complicated
- Like drips coming from letters
- Purple and yellow
- Black is a bit sinister
- Like subtle ways of referencing objects
- Like neon writing - bit more simplified

Everywhere will put together ideas boards of all the things that we like during this week and show them to us in next weeks session. We are all excited to see these.

We discussed the features that we should have on the website that we haven't already featured.
- Tube map
- Google maps
- An animated speech bubble with 999 in it on each page
- Hospital finder by GPS using postcode/place name

Everywhere put together some layout ideas for us to look through and decide between for each page of our website. We chose which layouts that we preferred and worked individually to design a page each for our website.

Friday 13 January 2012

Session 5 - Looking At Branding - 10/01/12

We started off today's session by looking at brands that we can distinguish just by their logos alone.

- Red Bull - Red Bull gives you wings
- Mcdonald's - I'm lovin' it
- Nike - Just do it

Branding - A particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product.

We discussed that it would be difficult to choose what make of a product we wanted without the help of branding. For e.g. Paracetamol - there are so many different makes of it available, so sometimes we need a little help to make our choice.

Next week we will be going back to the agency, Everywhere, to work on our website.

We discussed what our brand values for our website should be:
- Help
- Fun? personality
- Quick
- Simple
- Young

Our website ideas:
- Safety around your area
- Making life more convenient and safe for young people
- If you're stuck
- Maybe have teenage cartoon characters

- Young people and us

We discussed other websites and how easy they were to navigate and how good they looked.

We discussed colour options for the website and what colours represent:

- Girls -  party
- Young
- Goths
- Cadbury's

- Boring
- Executive
- Mercedes
- Dull
- Gloomy
- School uniform

- Exciting
- Boys and girls
- Alarming
- Danger
- Exciting
- Loud

- Old people (wee)
- Boring
- Weak
- Environmental
- Jungle

Colours that we want to use:
- Black
- Purple
- Red
- Bright colours - younger

We came up with some ideas for a name for the website:
- Ask keely - most of us liked this name the best
- Smarts are us
- We are smart

We had an idea for a slogan to:
- Smart safety is the key

In teams we discussed the different sections of the website, what goes under each heading and what web links we would use on our site:

- Getting there/home/around - travel, etc.
- My/your health and wellbeing

1. Getting home/getting around
- Halo/Cab app
- LBC radio live travel updates

2. Advice/my/you health/wellbeing
- Mayo
- Recovery position and images created by us
- If somebody has taken drugs, first aid basics 

3. Smarts
02 (free sms) 
- How not to pay reverse fees

We looked at what out site has got to have:
- Short/useful information
- Nice colours
- Be eye catching
- Have no downloads

We were all interviewed to see what we thought the project was about and what we hoped to get out of it.