Monday 26 March 2012

Session 13 - Action Planning and Planning Our Launch - 20/3/12

We started off the session with an update of how our website is getting on and what else has been going on:

- We suggested that we should take our own photographs for the recovery position steps. Amy will be the model and Keely and Steph will check that the steps are correct. A photographer will come in next week and teach photography to the rest of the group as well as shooting our photographs.

- Our health copy has been checked by a health professional. We want to get an endorsement that will mean that our health information will be certified and professional.

- We will all attend a meeting with St John's Ambulance about our app to promote it and tell them what it is all about. Amy has volunteered to go along - Date TBC.

- Thinking about the launch - we hope to launch our website during half term. We want to take our app to festivals like Wireless in the summer (6-8 July in Hyde Park). This is too far away for the launch but will be a great opportunity to promote our app.

Other places that we discussed to promote our app is:
- Trafalgar Square
- St Andrew's stall at South West Fest
- Lovebox
- Underage Festival

Everyone has homework to find an event or festival that is on during the next month or so that we can launch our app at.

We discussed our action plan for our app and campaign:
- We have agreed to meet up less frequently - possibly fortnightly from now on.
- Steph, Amy and Keely to approach schools in the local area to run a workshop/assembly to show them our app. (Including Greycoat hospital school).

We went through our smart objectives for our campaign:
- 150 people at Greycoat school (year 10 and 11). Steph to contact her school head to set up a meeting for us all. She will let Keely know how she gets on tomorrow (21/3/12).
- Finish app completely - Everywhere and Jess. We need to finish the health section and sort photographs within 10 days.
- Finish promotional materials - t-shirts - Jess to send the logo and Steph, Keely and Gina to buy and print t-shirts. Keely or Steph to contact graffiti lady to see if they can set up with her to print the t-shirts for our app.
- Find somewhere to launch our app - launch event - everyone will look for an event to launch at by next week.
- Contact Kellogs, Boris, Wireless Festival. We will also contact the lady from Pay Plan to help us to promote our campaign - Keely to follow up and see if we can have a space in their weekly newsletter.
- Meet up again to catch up on progress in two weeks time.

We discussed our evaluation plan:
- Feedback on our app
- Take our app to schools and youth clubs and get them to fill in the app feedback form - if they are just a small group get them to fill in paper feedback/questionnaire.
- We will use Turning Point Tool for bigger groups

We finished up the session all excited about finishing our app and positive about launching it.

Monday 19 March 2012

Session 12 - Finalising Our Mobile Website - 13/3/12

We started off today's session by filling in Steve from Peabody in on what our campaign is all about.

We looked at our app on our phones to give feedback and then went around our youth club to find out what other people thought of our app:

"It's brilliant! it will get young people off of the streets and around where they need to go. It could potentially eventually offer young people jobs to." - Youth worker

"It's really good!"

- Kofi Frimpong and Joeo Mensah

"It was quite well planned out. We couldn't really see where it was going but this is amazing!" - Gina

We looked at each section and gave our feedback to Everywhere using a work sheet.

Ask Keely testing worksheet:

What do you think of the overall look and feel of the site?

- I am very impressed and satisfied. It is even better than I would have expected it to be. Everything
comes together really well.
- It looks very interesting and helpful.
- I think that the website is really good. The colours go really well together. The different sections are
really good and the information is good on the site.
- I think that the site looks great and it responds really well.
- I like it. The site is amazing! Love it!

Please comment on the navigation – how easy/difficult is it to get around? Do you know where
you are on the site? Are the section headings right – do you have any alternative suggestions?

- I think that the health section is easy to use than other websites. It is easy to get to as well. The
information is good and finding your local hospital is really easy and really good.
- Plus and extra has a typo in and. It should mention whether it is for Blackberry or Iphone.

Please comment on the content – is it what you expected? Is there anything unnecessary or
anything missing?

- The how to do first aid bit is missing but apart from that it is good.
- There is little info under the headings in travel, it’s mainly just links.

Mobile challenge:

How long did it take you to find out information on Ask Keely?

- Basic first aid – needs to tell you when to do CPR as well as how to do it.

Some feedback that came out of discussing what was missing is:
- We need information on what to do if someone has drunk too much
- When do I do CPR? as well as how do I do CPR?

We discussed what we wanted the website to be for our app and the overall agreed decision was:

Then we discussed any other feedback:
- Change 'Measy' as a header as it is an 'in' thing
- Reduce questions
- We all like the tone of voice of the app

We discussed that a great opportunity for our launch would be at Rizzle Kicks gig that is being run by TFL.

We agreed that we would need:
- Printed t-shirts
- Business cards to hand out with info about our app

Unfortunately the Rizzle Kicks plan fell through but we are hoping to possibly hold a stall at the Underage Festival, later this summer.